Click on image above or on the text right to it to see photos of the event.
Sorry no video!
For the second year, Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz (SRSC) supports this Sister City Project to benefit Jinotepe, Nicaragua. Admission to this event included salsa dance instruction, great Salsa music by Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz, salsa tasting, chips, a beverage, prizes, a raffle and lots of FUN! Everyone could bring favorite salsa for contest tasting.

Our 91st Performance
Click on image above or on the text right to it to see photos of the event.
Click here to see video of 1st song!
Click here to see video of 2nd song!
We would like to thank Tony Saldavia for making the videos!
Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz supported this yearly event the 7th time in a row. We performed at the Plaza Stage. We will invite everyone to fun dance lessons followed by a performance of one to two songs. This was a fun and rewarding experience for everyone last year and we invite everyone to join us. Performers receive a wrist band for free admission to the event for the whole day. We will plan a social get together after the event!

Click on image above or on the title to see photos of the event.
Sorry, no video!
We would like to thank Tony Saldavia for making the photos!
Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz (SRSC) was happy to support this fundraiser for the 8th year in a row! Hosted by the Davenport Resource Center. SRSC introduced the ethnic art of Salsa dance, Rueda de Casino style, with a performance followed by fun dance instruction for everyone. This was a fun event for the entire family! Other features were: El Sonido Burbajas por Juan Nava, Ballet Folklorico Davenport, Jus Cuz, Broken English live Salsa band and many great raffle prizes

Click on image above or on the text right to it to see photos of the event.
Click here to see Video!
We would like to thank Shanae’s friend Brendan for making the videos!
Since many years we have been supporting this annual event which celebrates dance in the community! This year we will have a performance, a free dance lesson in the street and free classes for one full week. The performance was at Locust Street and Pacific Avenue.

Click on image above or on the text right to it to see photos of the event.
Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz taught Salsa Dance Casino Rueda style to about 200 students in the morning of Friday, December 11, 2009. We also invited dancers from Fuego Latino, Watsonville, to give a demonstration. This was a wonderful experience for all. Many thanks for inviting us!

Click on image above or on the text right to it to see photos of the event.
Click here to see video!
For the 5th year in a row, Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz (SRSC) is proud to support the Downtown Holiday Parade again (led by Jessica) and offers our students and friends the opportunity to perform and shine at this fun event. We already support Harvest Foodbank and ask everyone to consider donation for Harvest Foodbank! This year, the parade was broadcasted again by Radio, and Santa Cruz Community Television, Channel 27 on Comcast. We were group number 37 (same as last year – what a coincidence!), so we had lots of time to decorate the stereo and practice on a side street. Jessica Dieseldorff was the caller for the third year in a row.
We ask everyone to share photos and videos on our website or even upload videos on YouTube here. High resolution photos are available upon request.

Our 8th Anniversary!
Click on image above or on the text right to it to see photos of the event.
Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz celebrated the 8th anniversary with a big Salsa dance event. We had over 200 people attending the event and six sizzling performances by (in order of appearance): Sabrosura (UCSC), Candela, Fuego Latino (Watsonville), Rueda Rockets (Mountain View), Tropicalismo and Salsa Santa Cruz. Victoria’s Dance Supplies was also represented with a table.
Our 87th Performance
Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz supported the 35th Anniversary Party of the WSWA (Western Service Workers Association) with a demonstration of 2 songs. Our student and friend, Lea, who volunteers there, suggested the demonstration. The event was at Beth El temple in Aptos, California. We performed at 6:30pm and rehearsed before. Jessica was directing the group. We apologize for the quality of the some photos as the volunteer who took the photos was not familiar with the camera. |
Our 86th Performance
Supporting Local Public Library
Downtown Santa Cruz California
Saturday July 18, 2009
Our student and friend Michael, suggest to support the local library with a demo and dance instruction for everyone. The event celebrated Creativity and began at 3pm. Jessica was directing the group. |
Our 85th Performance
SRSC was happy to be at the 50th Anniversary of the Artichoke Festival. This was our 6th appearance at this annual event. We performed to 3 songs and gave dance instruction for everyone. Before our performance began, we practiced on the parking lot near the stage. Kirsten was directing the group. There were 3 rehearsals before. |
Our 84th Performance
Fundraising Event celebrating
Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz supported this fundraiser for the 7th year in a row! Hosted by the Davenport Resource Center. SRSC introduced the ethnic art of Salsa dance, Casino Rueda style de Cuba, with a performance followed by instruction for everyone. This is a fun event for the entire family! Gilberto was directing. |
Our 83rd Performance
Downtown Santa Cruz, California Cathcart at Pacific Church at Pacific Pacific at Front
Thursday, April 30, 2009 5:30 to about 7:00pm
This annual event celebrates dance in the community. Santa Cruz’s dance treasures performed at various points along Pacific Avenue, in downtown Santa Cruz. SRSC performed three ten minute segments between 5:30 and 8:30 pm. Our regular Thursday classes was canceled, and we invited all of our students to come and join the performance. Gilberto, Kirsten, Chris, and Jessica called. |
Impressions of our Salsa Rueda Classes
at Cayuga Vault in Santa Cruz, California
Wednesday & Thursday, March 25 & 26, 2009
Following are very nice impressions about our Wednesday and Thursday classes from March 25, 2009 and March 26, 2009. |
Our 82nd Performance
Benefit at Kuumbwa Jazz Center
Kuumbwa Jazz Center 320 Cedar Street Santa Cruz, California
Friday, March 20, 2009 6pm
This evening of songwriters and comedians also features a performance by the instructor team of Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz. This will be the 82nd performance for Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz! Due to the small stage this event is limited mainly to the instructors of Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz.

Sorry! No other photos available!
Our 81st Performance:
Holiday Recital of Santa Cruz Dance Company
Mello Center Watsonville, CA
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our 80th Performance (since 2001):
Annual Downtown Santa Cruz Holiday Parade
Pacific Avenue Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday, December 6, 2008
“Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” always enjoys participating in this annual tradition, supporting the Downtown Association. This year, the parade was broadcast on Hank 95.5 radio station, and Santa Cruz Community Television, Channel 27 on Comcast. We were group number 37 of 47, so we had lots of time to decorate the stereo and practice on a side street. Jessica Dieseldorff was the caller for the third year in a row.
We don’t know who filmed this. Whoever did, THANK YOU!! Check out a short clip of the parade on YouTube here. High resolution photos are available upon request. |

Our 79th Performance (since 2001):
Garden Elementary School Harvest Festival
Santa Cruz California
Friday, October 24, 2008
Sorry! No other photos available!

78th Performance:
Our 7th Anniversary! Big Salsa Dance
Featuring: * Broken English * DJ Trace, MC Jessica
Vets Hall Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday September 20, 2008
“Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” kicks off the event with their 78th performance choreographed and directed by Jessica. From left back to right: Christian, Cliff, Dan, Carol, Mike, Tamara, Cai and Jessica (in front)
 We had 350 people at the event!
Our 77th Performance (since 2001):
49th Artichoke Festival
Fairgrounds Castroville California
Sunday, May 18, 2008
“Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” participated the 5th time in a row this annual festival with dance instruction for everyone and performances on stage. We started with a performance, followed by dance instructions for all in the audience and finished gloriously with another performance on stage. Kirsten was doing a wonderful job directing the performance while Jessica did a great job for the dance instructions involving everyone. Before we started we rehearsed on a side street.
The event featured: Live Music Band, Broken English
Our 76th Performance (since 2001):
Fundraising Event celebrating Cinco De Mayo
Main Plaza Davenport, CA
Saturday, May 03, 2008
The Davenport Resource Center was hosting its 19th Cinco de Mayo event.
“Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” was honored to support this fundraising event again the 6th year in a row.
Before we started our performance, everyone danced in front of the church. After our performance we gave Salsa Rueda dance instructions for everyone. The following photos witness how much everyone had.
 DJ: Trace, The latest from New York & Miami
Our 75th Performance (since 2001):
Benefit celebrating Cesar Chavez
Portuguese Hall Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday, March 22, 2008
‘Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz’ (SRSC) supported this benefit for “Nonviolent Communication Santa Cruz Latino Scholarship Fund” with a Salsa Rueda dance class for everyone and a Salsa Rueda performance. The event started at 4pm and ended at 9pm. We began at 8pm with Salsa Rueda dance lessons for everyone, followed by a performance.

Our 74th Performance (since 2001): Annual Downtown Santa Cruz Holiday Parade
Pacific Avenue Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday, December 1, 2007
“Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” always enjoys participating in this annual tradition, supporting the Downtown Association. This year, the parade was broadcast on Hank 95.5 radio station, and Santa Cruz Community Television, Channel 27 on Comcast. We were group number 37 of 47, so we had lots of time to decorate the stereo and practice on a side street. Jessica Dieseldorff was the caller for the third year in a row.
We don’t know who filmed this. Whoever did, THANK YOU!! Check out a short clip of the parade on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9Q6Uita-s
 We had 300 people at the event!
Our 72nd Performance:
Our 6th Anniversary! Big Salsa Dance
Featuring: * Broken English * DJ Trace, MC Jessica
Vets Hall Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday September 29, 2007
The event featured band “Broken English”, DJ Trace, MC Jessica, an on-going slide show of photos of various events and classes since the last 6 years and six great performances by 4 groups and 2 couples.
The performances were by (in order of appearance): “Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” Mario Avila and Karina Scarborough from Palomar Ballroom Dance Synergy featuring a sneak preview of their upcoming Cabaret Fuego Latino from Watsonville Micheal Mpyangu & Maryse Meijer from Rhythm Nexus at Motion Pacific Studio Joy Smith and her Santa Cruz Dance Company Salsa Rueda San Francisco (Sidney Weaverling): did not show up

Our 70th Performance:
48th Artichoke Festival
Castroville California
Sunday May 20, 2007
We would like to express our special thanks to Patrick Hickey for making the photos during the event!

Cinco de Mayo
Hosted by Davenport Resource Center
Davenport California
Saturday, May 5, 2007 |
The Davenport Resource Center was hosting its 18th Cinco de Mayo event. “Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” was honored to support this again the 5th year in a row. The following photos witness how much fun we had.

Treasures of Santa Cruz
Fundraising event for the arts
Former Lipton Tea Plant Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday, April 21, 2007 |
“Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” was proud to support again this fund raising event with a performance followed by dance lessons for everyone. The first set of photos are made during our dress rehearsal at the Portuguese Hall a couple of days earlier.

Annual Down town Santa Cruz Holiday Parade
Pacific Avenue Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday, December 2, 2006 |
“Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz” was proud to support this annual event with a parade performance. Jessica did the choreography and calling. We were group number 27 and out of about 47 participating groups, most were walking. Needless to say, the people loved us. We almost got ticketed by the bike-mounted police (for moving slower than the rest of the parade), but the crowd went wild when they heard our happy music and saw our irresistible moves.

3rd Salsa Rueda Congress of the Americas
Hosted by Billy Fajardo and Henry Herrera
Miami Beach Miami, Florida
October 12-15, 2006
‘Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz’ team members, Jessica and Chris, participated at the 3rd annual Salsa Rueda Congress of the Americas. The event was hosted by Billy Fajardo and Henry Herrera.
Chris’ family who lives in Miami and originally came from Guatemala took care of us before the congress and showed us a flavor of the different areas of Hotspot Miami. The weather was warm and very humid and we had to leave the air conditioner on in our hotel room during the entire stay. The ocean water was clear and wonderful warm and we were surprised only by a few short rainstorms. Although, it was a Salsa Rueda Congress, both Salsa and Salsa Rueda dance organizations, teachers and students were represented. Chris and Jessica connected with Billy and Henry as well as many other Salsa Rueda dance teachers around the world such as Barbara Bernstein from Washington, and Achmed Samuel from Long Island, New York as well as Rene Gueits, and Julian Mejia and Ramani Nicola.
They came from all around the world such as Europe (Italy, Greece, Germany and Spain), Japan (Tokyo) and of course but not only Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. Beside people from Miami, there was a strong presence from New York city.
It appeared that ‘Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz’ was the only Salsa Rueda dance organization representing the Central Coast (if not California). It is difficult to estimate how many people came to the Congress because the workshops were held in two different ballrooms during the entire day. But we believe there were about 1000 people during the competitions and performances which were held on Friday and Saturday night. Although most workshops were focused on Salsa Rueda, they also concentrated on body movement and styling. Some workshops offered the newly evolving Bachata but also ChaCha and Rumba.
Especially the body movement and styling had a strong Cuban and Brazilian/Colombian influence.
Chris personally loved Rene Gueits and Henry’s Salsa Rueda workshops which were usually packed with about 100 people. Their fun nature, energy and enthusiasm are electricizing. We both liked the way Julian Mejia and Ramani Nicola explained and broke down their moves in an easy way. Jessica loved Natascha and her friend from Italy because they focused on easy, fun and sensual moves. The way of teaching a fun class, the moves, the breathtaking competitions & performances in Salsa and Salsa Rueda, and the music were a great experience which will enrich our own classes and performances in the future.
Following photos give an impression about the area where the congress was held, the people, the workshops and the astonishing performances. There were about half partner Salsa dance performances and half Salsa Rueda.

Our 5th Anniversary!
Featuring: * Mambo Tropical * DJ Trace * Performances by 5 great groups
Vets Hall Santa Cruz, CA
Saturday September 30, 2006 |
(in order of appearance) 1. Salsa Santa Cruz (Jose Resendez & Jennifer Anderson-Bahr represent Aaron & Aleksandra’s ‘Salsa Santa Cruz’ with a performance to Salsa) 2. Fuego Latino-Watsonville Luis Fabila and his group of 12 young dancers perform to music of Shakira and Salsa. The choreography was done by Bonny Masters and Cesario Ruiz.) 3. Mario Avila & Chiyoko Ishikawa (from the Palomar Ballroom perform to Cha-Cha) 4. Candela (Maryasha and Elizabeth present a group of 8-10 ladies performing to Salsa/Reggaeton) 5. Rhythm Nexus (Micheal who teaches at Motion Pacific Dance studio will perform to Mambo or also known as ‘Salsa-on-2) 6. ‘Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz’ (the host of the event, performs with 12 people to Salsa music)

Performance with Mambo Tropical
Featuring: Pete Escovedo
Don Quixote International Music Hall Felton, CA
Saturday August 19, 2006 |
‘Salsa Rueda Santa Cruz’ performed to the music of Yvette and her band Mambo Tropical with special guest star Pete Escovedo from LA. The performance was choreographed and directed by Jessica. The 6 couples rehearsed only 5 times and looked superb! This was a performance to Live Music!

Cinco de Mayo
Supporting Davenport Resource Center
Main Plaza Davenport, CA
Sunday May 7, 2006



Ocean Festival
supporting Watsonville Ocean Festival
Watsonville, CA
August 25th, 2001
3rd Annual ‘WE Carnival Parade’