Maiensy Sanchez (Ala Cubana)
Friday July 17, 2015 7pm to 8:30pm:
Part 1: Body Styling and Movement for Men and Women
This section focuses on a thorough body-part isolation, and how to add ‘sabor’ to your dancing! Wear comfortable clothing. Non-traction shoes are ideal.
Part 2: Casino (Cuban Salsa) Partner Dance
This section will offer partnering techniques for Cuban style salsa dancing called Casino.
Her teaching style incorporates a background in sociocultural anthropology and 13 years of professional music training.
This workshop is designed for people with some dance background in either Casino/Salsa or Rueda dances.
Age: 16+
Limited space
Fee: $15
Louden Nelson Center,
301 Center Street
Santa Cruz 95060, CA
click here for map
Click here to see Facebook invitation:
To register for any of the classes call: 206-372-4215
Bio: Maiensy Sanchez from Cameguey, Cuba
Maiensy began teaching popular Cuban music and dance while working at the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores (TEC) de Monterrey, Mexico, in 1996. In 1999, she pioneered the Cuban style of dance instruction in the Seattle area. As a born-and-raised Cuban, and having grown up in a family of stage artists, she adds her firsthand experience to a class environment that is as meaningful as it is entertaining. Her teaching style incorporates her background in socio-cultural anthropology and 13 years of professional music training. Her teaching method draws from her biological father, an established stage actor, and her father Fernando Alonso, creator of the Cuban School of Ballet and one of the founders of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba, both currently on the island. Maiensy has received training in ballet, jazz, modern dance, flamenco and West African dance. She has performed at the New Orleans International Ballet Conference (as dance partner/assistant to master Roberto Borrell) and a number of local venues, including Benaroya Hall.
Facebook: Ala Cubana
Past workshops:
July 17, 2015
April 18, 2014
May 15, 2013